If you’re planning a trip to beautiful Silver City in Southern New Mexico, but can’t decide when to go, how about scheduling your visit during one of the historic town’s annual events? Whether you’re a fan of road cycling races, ceramics, rodeo, hummingbirds, or blues music, there’s a Silver City event for you!
The town has a rich and varied history that is reflected in the wide range of activities you can experience here. There’s plenty to enjoy in the great outdoors in and around Silver City that you can read about here. And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg: check visitsilvercity.org/events for even more Silver City events.
2023 Silver City Events
February 11: At Chocolate Fantasia, get tickets to taste chocolate at shops all around town, take part in a costume contest, and watch a showing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Silco Theater. chocolatefantasia.org
April 26 – 30: The Tour of the Gila is a UCI-sanctioned five-stage bicycling road race through the challenging and beautiful terrain of the region. tourofthegila.com
Memorial Day Weekend: Silver City Blues Festival, with performances at Gough Park, Little Toad Creek, and Q’s Southern Bistro. At Gough Park on Saturday, May 27, 11 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., enjoy performances by five bands throughout the day, plus a beer garden and food and craft vendors. But that’s not all! Get the blues Friday night, late Saturday night, and all-day Sunday at Q’s Bistro and the Toad! While you’re in Silver City, enjoy the Sunday Blues Gallery Walk. silvercitybluesfestival.org

June 8 – 10: Wild, Wild West Pro Rodeo offers rodeo events like bull riding and calf roping, plus “mutton bustin’” with little cowboys and cowgirls. Get some laughs with 2023’s specialty act: Davis’ Muttley Crew, “The Clown with All the Dogs.” silvercityprorodeo.com
June 15 – 18: Fiesta Latina is held on the Western New Mexico University campus. This four-day outdoor festival features Latin music and dance performances, food and drink, traditional children’s activities, crafting workshops and demonstrations, and a juried artisan mercado, featuring the traditional folk art of more than 30 artisans from throughout Mexico. fiestalatina.org
July 4: Silver City Independence Day Parade celebrates Independence Day with pride. silvercitymainstreet.com/events
July 10 – 16: CLAY Festival, with two workshops, Embellished Stories with George Rodriguez and Printing on Clay with Mary Fischer, a special Makers Market on Saturday on the Main Street Plaza, a Mata Ortiz pottery demonstration and children’s activity on Saturday at The Museum Annex, and a CLAY Festival brunch at Bear Mountain Lodge. clayfestival.com
July 29 – 30: Hummingbird Festival takes place at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site and includes music, food, speakers, and hummingbird banding from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Visit the Mattocks

archaeological site and tour the Mimbres Museum while you’re there. mimbrescultureheritagesite.org
Labor Day Weekend: Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Show with vendors, displays, silent auction, talks, and field trips. rollingstonesgms.blogspot.com
September: Gila River Festival offers field trips, presentations, and activities related to this still-wild river. gilariverfestival.org
September 20 – 23: Cliff-Gila Grant County Fair has all you’d expect from a rural county fair: animals, food, contests, music, dances, pancake breakfast, and more. grantcountyfairnm.com
October 6 – 9: Southwest Print Fiesta includes workshops, artist talks, exhibitions, a printers’ market, and a print exchange. Plus, several artists each hand-carve large-scale 36-inch square linoleum blocks to be inked by hand and printed by a steamroller! southwestprintfiesta.org
October 2023: Southwest Word Fiesta celebrates authors and the written word in odd-numbered years. swwordfiesta.org
November: Lighted Christmas Parade fills the town with the holiday spirit. silvercitymainstreet.com/events
December: Tamal Fiesta is held in historic Downtown Santa Clara where you can enjoy tamales and other traditional foods, live music, and more.
Posted by LasCruces.com