The 17th Annual Gila River Festival invites you to (Re)Connect With The River, September 16 through 19, 2021. This year’s hybrid event (in-person and virtual) explores our connection to Nature and each other, throughout Silver City, the Gila National Forest and along the Gila River. More than 20 expert-led field trips and workshops, free online presentations and panel discussions, river hikes, horseback riding, fly fishing and more are part of this unique festival experience.
Speakers for this year’s event include philosopher Kathleen Dean Moore, New York Times best-selling author Doug Tallamy, nature/science writer Sharman Apt Russell, poet Michelle Otero and conservationist Michael Casaus, among many others. On-line presentations and in-person workshops will run throughout the event and cover a wide variety of subjects, including photography, composting and meditation. Check the schedule for more detailed information.
In addition to the presentations and workshops, the festival also promotes the arts. Ivory Coast singer/songwriter Fely Tchaco will perform at the Gardens at Light Hall on the WNMU campus, Thursday, September 16, 6:30 p.m. The Creatures of Gila Art Show will be on display at the Grant County Art Guild Annex, Thursday through Sunday, September 16-19, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. And Las Cruces’ own Borderlands Ballet will perform at a Gathering at the River, the closing festival’s ceremony led by community leaders, conservationists and artists, Sunday, September 19, 10 a.m. – noon.
Please note that registration is required for many of the events listed, so time is of the essence. For more information, visit the website, or call the Gila Conservation Coalition at 575-538-8078.
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