Register now to win a four person pass to the ABQ BioPark Zoo.
The BioPark Zoo is more than just a place to observe animals. It also plays a critical role in the conservation of endangered species, such as the Socorro Dove and Guam Kingfisher (both extinct in the wild), Malayan Tiger (critically endangered), and the Asian Elephant (endangered). The park has even earned the American Humane Certified seal of approval for its commendable dedication to animal care and conservation.
If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get to see hippos, penguins, giraffes, Komodo Dragons, and so much more, right in the heart of Albuquerque!
Register to win a 4-pack of tickets for you and your family and friends and see what makes ABQ BioPark Zoo so special.
View Contest Rules Here

Posted by LasCruces.com